So far for my senior project is going
pretty good. I have almost finished my research paper. Right now, I am just
checking for grammar error on my paper and I had ask my counselor, Sandra, to
help me on reducing paragraphs or sentence that are unnecessary on my
research paper because the document is too long, is about ten pages long,
including the work cited page, I looked up on the Napa High web, where are all
the Senior stuff and it says that the research paper has to be 5-6 pages long
including work cited page, so I just need to fix it and make it fit all in 5 or
6 pages.
On my senior
Project what I am planning to do is to build a ranch model to scale. I already
bought some of the equipment that are in a ranch, and have some supplies to
build it. I found this big ass red agricultural tractor that when I saw it,
literally I fell in love with it haha and I bought it. Then I bought a seeder,
two little John Deere tractors, two cargo trucks, some animals and three
trucks. I just need a barn, a warehouse, make some stockyards for the livestock
(bovine, porcine, ovine, and poultry) and also make some stables for the equine
livestock. What I am still thinking is how I am going to put the crops in the
model, I do not know if I will draw them or make like in 3-D.
For my hours, I
had contact some ranchers I am
going to be volunteering at a ranch in Mexico. I am planning to go to Mexico on
January so I can do my hours over there. From what I know that I am going to be
doing at the ranch in Mexico is shadowing the ranch owner and the workers at
the fields, watch and pay close attention to the duties they are going to be performing
at the crops, pulling fertilizer, harvesting, all duties they do, and I may be
able to drive the vehicles they use, like the tractors, the seeder, the thresher
and hopefully the cargo trucks. But first I have to learn how to drive, I remember
I drove like two three times on the fields but that was when I was like seven
or eight; it is been so long, almost ten years, I think I already forgot what I
learned L. That is for the part of Agriculture, and for the other
part is the livestock. The duties that I
am going to be doing in the ranch with the livestock will be: feed the animals,
clean the stockyards and throw their excrement, milking the cows, among other
And that's all what I had been doing so far.