The book is about how a 23-years-old English teacher uses the techniques of reading and writing to change 150 teens and the world around them. Ms. Gruwell was a student teacher at Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. Long Beach was dubbed the “gangsta-rap capital” by MTV due to its depiction if guns and graffiti. Ms. Gruwell was given the group of the “un-teachable” students as the others teachers refer to them. This group was form of Latinos, Asians, Blacks and one white boy. They lived in the projects, the so called “hood”
book takes place in Long Beach City "gangsta-rap capital" or L B C as
the rappers refer to it, at Woodrow Wilson High School located in a safe
neighborhood. Its location and reputation make it desirable. So much that a lot
of students that live in the hood take two or three buses to get to school.
Students come from every area of Long Beach; rich kids from the shore sit next
to poor kids from the projects. There's every race, religion and culture within
the confines of the quad. But since the Rodney King riots, racial tension has
spilled over into the school. Over 120
murders in Long Beach in the months following the Rodney King riots. Gang
violence and racial tension reach an all time high. The cultural
influences of the Freedom Writers Diary are that in Long Beach it all comes
down to which you look like, it’s all about color. If you’re Latino, or Asian,
or Black; you can get blast at any time you walked out your door. Schools are
separate by sections; "Beverly Hills" or "Disneyland" where
all of the rich white kids hang out, there's "China Town" where the
Asians hang, the Hispanic sections is referred to as either "Tijuana
Town" or "Run to the Border", then there's the Black section
known as "Da Gueto". We kill each other over race, pride and
respect. We fight for our America! We are on war. Those were the words a
Mexican girl said.
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