Thursday, May 9, 2013

Juvenile Justice System

A 15-year-old teenager that was accuse in February of a crime spree, along with a teenager Sirquain Burr, 17-year-old, that has been charged of face murder, attempted murder and other charges. The crime was at the Brownsburg area, IN.
The crime was a multi-car accident that was the result of a police chase involving a suspect of a shooting earlier in the day.
The defendant was and still is 15-year-old at the time of the crime and at the time of the trial.
The charges that the 15-year-old teen is being charged for be accomplice of Sirquain Burr while he shot and killed Yingling, who was in the driver’s seat of his truck in the 3300 block of Babette Court.  Also for attempting murder of Rex Scouter, 64, who was shot while walking his dog near Dandy Trail and Ruthergien way.
No, there was no discussion in the article about the background/history of the defendants.
The parents of the accused did not say anything, or at least not in the article.
There will be a court of The three-day hearing starting on May 28 in the juvenile division of Marion Superior Court  where the Judge Marylin Moored will decide whether to tried the 15-year-old suspect as an adult like Burr, or tried him as a teenager.
There were four comments and all of them relate to each other, they said that the court (jury) should not think twice and prosecute both teenagers as adults; if they were willing to commit those crimes without thinking it then they are old enough to face the consequences of their actions.
The defendant will be sentence on the three day hearin that will begin on May 28, therefore the sentence of the Judge Marylin Moores will be known either on May 31 or April 1.
Well it is kind of difficult to know if we should take brain research into account in this case, “Judge to decide in May whether teen will be charged as an adult in crime spree”, since there is no background/history of the teens in the article we cannot tell if they had problems at home or if they were being physical/mental abused. I think we should not take brain research into account, if the other teenager, Siquain Burr, that killed one person and attempt to murder another one was tried as an adult then with the 15-year-old should the jury do the same, I mean at the age of 15 everyone knows the difference of right versus wrong, and they can take decisions on their own.
If the outlaw changed and juveniles would be trying as adults this case should not be longer a case, it will be already done and both teenagers would be in jail, charged as adults and with a sentence of death penalty.
If the juveniles at the crime time were adults the judge would not think it twice and immediately will give sentence of death penalty for the charges of murder, attempt of murder, possession of weapon and a stolen vehicle, plus other charges they can take account.
The sentence has not being said until May 31, but if I was the jury I would not think it twice and I immediately will try the 15-year-old as an adult charged him for being accomplice and suspect of attempt murder, and will give sentence of formal prison.
This case says that the juvenile justice system is not doing its job. They make a storm in a glass of water, instead of spending time whether to try a teen that commit murder, they should give immediately sentence of formal prison. If this case would it be about a Hispanic teen being the accomplice of murder then the jury automatically give sentence of formal prison without looking at the defendant background or try to find reason why he commit murder. What I will change is make a new juvenile justice system that really will do its job, they will give sentence if the teenager that are being tried are old enough to know the difference between right vs. wrong and can take their own decisions. Although there will be some exceptions looking into the background/history of the defendants and deciding whether to take make a brain research into account or just give sentence of formal prison.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Brain vs. Mind

There are many factors that a jury must consider before charging a juvenile as an adult. As the Atlantic Monthly article shows cases where the person that committed the homicide and/or murder have no control over their body and brain. In this article the author states that in court the jury must know whether the person committed the crime voluntary or involuntary, in a few words if the person was consent about what she/he was doing at the crime scene.

As is shown on the Atlantic Monthly article there have been research and studies made on the human brain that had proved that the brain can act by itself doing with the human body what he wants without even the person notices what she/he is doing. In the case of Charles Whitman; he killed 13 persons and injury 32 persons. On his suicide note he asked for an autopsy to be done on his body, he knew something had change in his brain and he only went to the doctor once; before he kill himself he already had problems and he suspected something was wrong with him that’s why he did what he did (kill people).

Also there have been studies made on the human brain that had shown that a person acts the way they do either because they have brain problems or mind problems. Two different types of problems. Brain problems are the ones that involve a functions and harms in the brain. Mind problems are the ones that showed that the person has psychiatric problems (psychopath).

Before judging a juvenile as an adult, first jury must know their background, their history, where they come from. Like this quote states “Don’t judge a book by its cover” you can be very surprised of the story that is written on it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dumpster Diving

I don't think I will go to dumpster diving in any circumstance, even if I am struggling. I think that is unsanitary and I do not like those kinds of places, even if I have to go into those place and there is no other choice I would strongly denied. I rather find  a job, work and earn money then go into some dumpster and seek for food, going to dumpster diving it is an embarrass thing to do and not healthy at all, I would not do that even if someone pay me to do it. 

Doomed kids

Do you agree with the statics? Why or why not?
1.4 Mother and father and relative
4.5 Mother and father
5.3 Mother and step
5.7 Mother
6.0 Mother and relative
7.2 Relative
8.1 Other
11.0 Father
11.8 Father and step

In this case I must agree with the statistics because I know for fact and for experience that people get into drugs either because of peer pressure or some relative are into drugs, also because they might feel alone or have problems at home. Most kids now a days get into drugs because they have no choice, they have some much pressure on their shoulders that the only exit they see is throughout drugs. They need help but there is no one to help give that help they need. Some other kids just get into drugs because they are stupid, they think it is a cool thing to do. While people in other circumstances try to fight against drugs, other prefer to get into them because it's cool.

Magic Madness

I have never been at a circus, a magic show or at any place where the people does magic. I am a girl that come from a town that used to be little (not anymore) in Michoacan, Mexico; every year the circus would come to my town with all the little clowns, people doing exotics tricks, and the showing up the animals they brought with them; they always came every year with a different entrance. It never brought my attention to go   and visit a circus, even though my cousins and my siblings always got  free tickets to go in. I never presence a magic trick, or not a thing that I would call a "magic trick". I only have seen tricks not magic tricks. Since my dad  was a little kid, he will play cards and always win, he is the number one playing any "casino" games, any person that plays with him they always loose. He used to teach my brothers and I some of the tricks he used to win, they were not tricks to cheat. He can hide a card under his hand without people seeing, he can mixed all the cards and then find the for aces, he can tell what the next card will be, and many other cards tricks he does. This does not show that he is a magician, these tricks show that a person is clever and fast in doing things, also with practice you can do these tricks, although it would take you time and a lot of  patience. To be honest I do not believe in magic nor luck. Magic only involves a bunch of tricks a person does after practicing them a lot of times, and in rewards to luck; that is something only superstitious people believe on, it is not that you are lucky, that is how life is; you have ups and downs.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Basically, what the first chapter (CAPÍTVLO PRIMERO DE LAS FIESTAS,PASQVAS ) is about the Festivals (holidays) and the Easter season, people in Peru celebrate.  Around these times the people in Peru perform taquies dances of the Ingas and of the Capac Apoconas (powerful lords), and also dances from the main Yndios (Indians) of the kingdoms of Chinchay Suyos, Ande Suyos, Colla Suyos, and Conde Suyos sited in Peru territory. The dances and songs Peruvian people do at these festivals do not involve sorcery nor idolaters nor enchantment, instead they only involve joy and partying (celebrating holidays). If it wasn’t for the drunkenness the festivals would be better.

The taqui is the ceremonial dance, the cachiua is the song and dance they play in a circle, the haylli are victory songs, the araui is the song that girls sing and pingollo (flute) is the part of the song that the boys sing or play. Also in the festivals they involve the party of the pastors llama miches (flame pastors), the llamaya; the sing of the flame pastors and pachaca farmers, the harauayo (a chant) and the Collas’s Aymaras songs and dances; quirquina, collina, aymarana. In the pastors festival the girls sing guanca and the boys sing quena quena (Aymaras songs and dances).

              Each of these festivals possess ayllo and partiality of this kingdom, no one should say anything about these festivals nor judge them. Also no judge should worry this people by taking away their jobs and traditions that make them sing and dance among them.

Although Guaman Poma’s participation in the campaigns against religion, he argues in this chapter and on page 530 the right to keep the festivities, dances and native processions that have no idolized regarding religion.

          I chose this chapter because the traditions a town or a whole country has it is really important, not just because it is a fundamental part of the culture but also because it represents where do you come from and who you are.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


“The Things They Carried” is a book written by Tim O’Brien. The chapters in this book tell stories; some of them are true some of them are not. The author of the book mixed memories and stories that had happen to him and by that he makes his audience to wonder whether if the stories are true or just making up stories. “Enemies” and “Friends” are two chapters that can be compare and contrast by the irony that both chapters have. In the “Enemies” chapter two good friends, Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen, have a fistfight because of a missing jackknife and one of them gets injured. In the other hand, “Friends” is the chapter where Strunk and Jensen made a pact and become closer friends, forgetting everything about the fistfight.