Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Basically, what the first chapter (CAPÍTVLO PRIMERO DE LAS FIESTAS,PASQVAS ) is about the Festivals (holidays) and the Easter season, people in Peru celebrate.  Around these times the people in Peru perform taquies dances of the Ingas and of the Capac Apoconas (powerful lords), and also dances from the main Yndios (Indians) of the kingdoms of Chinchay Suyos, Ande Suyos, Colla Suyos, and Conde Suyos sited in Peru territory. The dances and songs Peruvian people do at these festivals do not involve sorcery nor idolaters nor enchantment, instead they only involve joy and partying (celebrating holidays). If it wasn’t for the drunkenness the festivals would be better.

The taqui is the ceremonial dance, the cachiua is the song and dance they play in a circle, the haylli are victory songs, the araui is the song that girls sing and pingollo (flute) is the part of the song that the boys sing or play. Also in the festivals they involve the party of the pastors llama miches (flame pastors), the llamaya; the sing of the flame pastors and pachaca farmers, the harauayo (a chant) and the Collas’s Aymaras songs and dances; quirquina, collina, aymarana. In the pastors festival the girls sing guanca and the boys sing quena quena (Aymaras songs and dances).

              Each of these festivals possess ayllo and partiality of this kingdom, no one should say anything about these festivals nor judge them. Also no judge should worry this people by taking away their jobs and traditions that make them sing and dance among them.

Although Guaman Poma’s participation in the campaigns against religion, he argues in this chapter and on page 530 the right to keep the festivities, dances and native processions that have no idolized regarding religion.

          I chose this chapter because the traditions a town or a whole country has it is really important, not just because it is a fundamental part of the culture but also because it represents where do you come from and who you are.


  1. I think that you did a great job in translating the translation. All of the things you mentioned made sense. Also it lets us understand part of their culture and how the people organized themselves for those festivals.

  2. I really liked that you provided your own input and explanation on the article. I am not sure if your first paragraph was part of the translation or not, but either way it kind of briefs the reader for what the article was about and gives a simple background on what to expect, which made it easy to follow along with.

  3. It was very interesting to read about their festivals. I like the way that Poma was showing that the Indians werent just a bunch of natives that believed in sorcery and magic. they were just throwing a party.

  4. Great choice with your passage! The topic of the passage you translated was interesting to read about. Also, it was nice to see your own input added on at the end of your post.

  5. Your translation was very clear and very informative. I found this whole topic very interesting and enjoyed learning about the festivals and dance.

  6. I read this chapter and you seemed to forget a few facts or maybe I am mistaken. On the other hand, your translation was easy to read and informative.
