Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Magic Madness

I have never been at a circus, a magic show or at any place where the people does magic. I am a girl that come from a town that used to be little (not anymore) in Michoacan, Mexico; every year the circus would come to my town with all the little clowns, people doing exotics tricks, and the showing up the animals they brought with them; they always came every year with a different entrance. It never brought my attention to go   and visit a circus, even though my cousins and my siblings always got  free tickets to go in. I never presence a magic trick, or not a thing that I would call a "magic trick". I only have seen tricks not magic tricks. Since my dad  was a little kid, he will play cards and always win, he is the number one playing any "casino" games, any person that plays with him they always loose. He used to teach my brothers and I some of the tricks he used to win, they were not tricks to cheat. He can hide a card under his hand without people seeing, he can mixed all the cards and then find the for aces, he can tell what the next card will be, and many other cards tricks he does. This does not show that he is a magician, these tricks show that a person is clever and fast in doing things, also with practice you can do these tricks, although it would take you time and a lot of  patience. To be honest I do not believe in magic nor luck. Magic only involves a bunch of tricks a person does after practicing them a lot of times, and in rewards to luck; that is something only superstitious people believe on, it is not that you are lucky, that is how life is; you have ups and downs.

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