Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Going for the Look, but Risking Discrimination"

I just finished reading “Going for the Look, but Risking Discrimination” and I am kind of familiar with this controversial situation going around the world.  Basically the article “Going for the Look, but Risking Discrimination” talks about stores and businesses hiring people by the way they look, by their appearance and especially by the “American style” and not for their knowledge and experience that is something that a business should look in the people they are hiring.  This article (“Going for the Look, but Risking Discrimination”) contains a few examples of people trying to find a job that actually they have the experience and knowledge about the job tasks and they had been rejected because they do not fit in with the “classic American” style businesses and companies are looking for, just because those companies, businesses, stores, etc. think that by hiring persons that have good looking, good experience and have the “classic American” style customers are going to buy their products and their businesses’ sales are going to go up.  Sadly this is true, people buy things just because they see propaganda on TV or in the same stores, or even normal people with nice look, nice faces wearing clothes and shoes looking like models, like on the Billboards or Nuestra Belleza (Beauty Contest) they see the way clothes and shoes look on them and they like it so they buy those clothes and shoes thinking they are going to look just like them or even better.  No matter what the purpose think or do they always going to buy products because of the good convincible propaganda businesses make.  From my own point of view all this thing about the good looking is true.  In all the stores that I go there always white people working just because they qualify for the “classic American” style, but not all the stores, companies or businesses do the same thing as the other companies, some stores that I’ve been in like Levi’s, that is a store where the “classic American style” does not work, the employees in there are Mexicans Americans, Asian Americans , and some white people; but of course they have a good looking and actually they wear Levi’s products making the customers think that Levis’ products look good on every person that wears them.  Some businesses have diversity among their employees and that’s a very good thing because now in days businesses need to have some bilingual employees in any case a customer comes into the store or business and does not have the knowledge of English, also businesses should have on mind that having to hire employees with good looking but not having knowledge at all of the tasks that have to be done it can bring them a lot of problems with their business. Well-known stores are like a models’ foot-bridge, because you basically will find walking billboards around the store. The marketing world is very competitive because now every company has its own models, and people go to those stores where they will find the one who like them most. Now to convince someone to buy something is very easy, because the company just has to have an attractive representative wearing the products and that is it. Appearance is something that counts a lot in today’s world because you will get a job depending on how presentable you are. People will treat you based on your outward show.

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