Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Story You’ll Never Know

Hey! This is Jop.  I'm a teen of 17 years old.  I'm from a beautiful little  town called Indaparapeo, Michoacán, Mexico.  I've been living almost all my life in Mexico (Best country in the whole world & the most delicious food you're ever eat) until my 14th birthday that my parents decided it be a good idea to move to the United States of America. Every immigrant comes to the U.S.A. looking for the American Dream.  When I first stepped on American territory I didn't know what was going on.  Recognizing my benefit at the age of 14 years old, without having any idea my brother, my sister and I went to school.  Strange people talking in strange languages.  They ask me who am I? Where I come from?  Forced to learn the language without knowing how much was left, like my mom always looking for the exit.  
I’m that type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile.  The type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even if I can’t brighten my own.. I’m a down to earth girl when you get to know me, but at first I’m shy and timid.  I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best…  I believe in staying true to my inner self, always keeping my head up high and standing up for myself.  My family is first the rest is secondary.  Material shits come and go through my life, it's better to never get attach to it.  Real friends are the one around when everyone else is gone.  I also think in order to have great friends I must first become one.  I have no regrets of my mistakes in fact that's what makes us humans.  The essential is to always learn from them.  Our journey on this earth is short so I cherish every single day and I breathe like it's the last one.  I love people who can make me laugh I am convinced laughter can cure a multitudes of ills.  Children make my heart melt like chocolate and I enjoy being around them.  I love my independence and have work hard to earn it.  But there's nothing you cannot do if you just put your mind into it.  That's the beauty of the will... Now the big question: What you think about love?? Well, I think love should be about respect, trust, patience, complicity, loyalty and appreciating your other half while you still with them.  I am also convinced that worrying about people in your past is wrong, because there's a main reason why they didn’t make it to your future.  If you need them back in your life, they'll come back.  You have exactly who you need right now, and destiny will put anyone you do or do not need where they should be.  My view on religion is simple: The tendency to turn human judgments into divine commands makes religion one of the most dangerous forces in the world by the way I am Catholic.  And last but not least haters: I think it's pathetic to see jealousy and envy in their eyes they obviously don’t have a life of their own so they badmouth or judge mine...there’s no place for unconfident and envious people in my life.  So that's it my sweets hope this gives you a little perspective of my complex personality.

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