Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ranching Life

My Senior Project is...

Basically what my senior project will be about will be on ranching and my research paper will be on how to be a ranch owner/ what it takes to be a rancher?  My end product will be a scale model of what is a basic ranch and will take me approximately more than a week to build it, and the time that will be take on the ranch will be approximately one month if I do it in Mexico, but if I do it here in the USA provably will take around twenty weekends. I am 90% sure that I am going to be doing my hours in Mexico, but i am not completely sure because of some stuff that my Mom and I have to do before going to Mexico. I am really looking forward to do my service hours in Mexico, not just because I want to step in Mexican territory again but also because the ranches in Mexico are much better than the ones in here (no offense). In Mexico are two types of lands, so to say, these are "Ranches" and "Haciendas" they are almost the same, the only difference is that the Hacienda is a lot of much bigger than the ranch is. Some ranches just focus on the raise of livestock of a certain type,cattle, pigs, horses, sheep and/or goats, but an Hacienda raise all these kinds of animals, cattle, pigs, horses, ducks, gooses, goats, sheep, turkeys, rabbits, etc. I already have talked with some people in Mexico that owns lands, raise livestock and works the lands to give me the chance to let me work with them or at least shadow them on what they do for my project. I am sure that I am not just going to be shadowing  I am going to be working really hard, because in Mexico you do not just go and stand around just looking, you got to work.

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