Sunday, October 28, 2012

Without a Trace

Into the Wild is the story of a young boy named Chris McCandless. Chris became fed up with the society, he traveled the country without any money, and made a trip to Alaska without any gear.

Chris McCandless made lots of mistakes before going to his trip, heading Alaska.  Some of his mistakes were that he did not tell anyone that he was leaving, he did not say a word to any one of his family. He was not prepared well enough to make this trip, he did not have any idea of what he was going to live. He did not pack any gear, enough clothes and blankets, a “good” map, tools, etc.  Also, he did not accept any help at all, people offered him some blankets for his trip to Alaska but he left them under the sit of the truck. McCandless did not take any precautions for this trip, he just left.

McCandless’s decision to leave his family without a word was NOT justified because he worry their parents a lot by don’t saying anything about he leaving, also by his actions (donating all his college money to charity without telling anybody) it was NOT a justified action he brought pain to his family.  McCandless discovered something that he did not know about his father, he was infidel to Chris’s mother, by discovering that Chris became like a whole new person, it had a great impact on McCandless’s life.  At first McCandless was all nice and stuff with his family but once he left no one heard from him again.

The significance I attach to the note left on the margins of Dr. Zhivago “Happiness only real when shared” as he neared the end of his life is that he felt like he did not shared enough time to spend with his family, his last days he spent them far way from them, he die by himself; alone without anybody there to be when he need it to. It was kind of ironic how McCandless left that note and he was not with his love ones to share happiness. He realizes that all the people that he met he did not have chance to say good-bye and at the end he did not spend time with his love ones.

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