Friday, January 18, 2013

Being Brown and Proud

Jaira Ontiveros
Mrs. Guerard
Period 3 - XP
January 17, 2013
            White people judge me because I am brown, I am Mexican, and I dress like a “gangster” according to them. Every day I walk the streets, I do not like to ride the bus just because people look at you like a criminal or something; even they move to other sits in the front to be as far away as they can from you. When white people see a Mexican girl wearing black pants, black converse and a black hoodie walking down the streets of a white neighborhood is like the devil is coming. If they are walking on the same sidewalk I am walking on, they move to the other side of the street. If they are in a car immediately they locked the doors and everything, and I am like “I am not going to steal your car or shoot at you, I am just walking.” Even if they are inside their house they lock everything, you can hear when they closed the doors, lock the windows, and close the blinds. I just watch sideways and see a small space on the windows between the blinds, of course they are looking at me to see if I passed through their house or if I am standing outside waiting to do something. They made me laugh, I actually got use to this kind of situations, what I do is keep on walking with my head up to the sky, looking straight. Being Mexican is not a shame, being brown is a gift.

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