Thursday, January 10, 2013

Racial Profiling

  • It's wrong, inappropriate, shouldn't be done." Said ex-senator John AshcroftCheney: "It's the sense of anger and frustration and rage that would go with knowing that the only reason you were stopped ... was because of the color of your skin....

  • "Largest number of Americans angry about racial profiling are law-abiding black people who feel that they are stopped and questioned because the police regard all black people with undue suspicion. They feel that they are the victims of a negative stereotype.

  • Categories "age" and "race" are both rather fuzzy (define "young") and are both useful predictors of criminality.

  • To be racist, the law would have to specifically target one particular race of people. 
  • No one can bear the intellectual responsibility of that argument because that's not what the intent of the Arizona legislature was and that's quite clear.It is an immigration bill, not a brown people bill or a Mexican bill.
  • All Arizona is guilty of here is trying to deal with problems within its border, and trying to do so in a country in which the federal government has totally abandoned its responsibility to deal effectively with the subject of illegal immigration.
  • “No matter how famous/rich u r, ur still a 2nd class citizen if ur Black in Cape Town,'' Lindiwe Suttle. 

  • Cape Town is an indelible symbol of the beauty and promise of post-apartheid South Africa. Beyond its gorgeous scenery and great wines, its very logo -- an outline of majestic Table Mountain superimposed over a rainbow -- emphasizes its historic mix of races and cultures, and its most famous resident, Desmond Tutu, is revered as a symbol of tolerance, inclusiveness and forgiveness.many black South.

  • For many Africans, this city represents something very different: the last bastion of white rule.

Do not judge a book by its cover. Racial profiling is racist, is illegal, is inappropriate, is wrong and it should not be done. When you judge a person based on their appearance, look or on the outfit they have on, you are kind of stereotyping that person; you are not giving her or him the opportunity to express or explain their style. Just by looking the outside of a person does not mean that you already know how they are; you do not know what their life is, or what reasons they have to dress or look like that. Although, people should not be judging others based on their race, that is not fair, because we do not choose if we want to be Mexicans, Asians, Jews or African-Americans; we are born this way, and we cannot change who we are. Racial profiling is the action that most violates a person’s civil right, and ironically members of the government, and  police officers, are the ones that violate those rights, I thought their job was  make sure that everyone has the same rights, liberties and options; but no, they judge a person just based on their color, their outfit, their image. This is not okay and it is not fair, because everyone should have the same rights and the same liberties. People should learn to be more tolerant especially in this country, because this is a multiracial country where you can find every type of people.


  1. I agree with what you said that the article “Racial Profiling Is Not Racist” is wrong and I know it completely is. Yes the Arizona Law does not specify one race, gender or age but at times it does seem like it targets most Hispanics. Yes, there are times were many others from other places do have problems with immigration because they are in the United States illegally.

  2. Great points you have there, the one point I have to completely agree with you is on the Arizona law is heavily target towards Hispanic people rather than all the races. Even if it's justified as being a law that targets all illegal immigrants it should still be under racial profiling because of asking ones citizen status.
